The Trumbull – Tashua Pool is being renovated.
Tashua, one of the city’s two outdoor pools and located at the city-owned Tashua Knolls Golf Course, is projected to receive about $2.8 million in upgrades, according to First Selectman Vicki Tesoro.
“That pool will be extensively renovated in the near future,” Tesoro said.
The city received $10.5 million in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, of which about $5 million remains. The Trumbull Town Council and Board of Finance met several times over the past year to discuss how the money would be spent and how to garner community support for the renovation, among other measures.
“People are definitely in favor of making sure pools are maintained and refurbished if necessary,” Tesoro said. “It’s one of our two public pools that people use extensively during the summer, so really nobody wants to see those pools closed, hence the support for the renovation.”
During a joint meeting with the Town Council and Board of Finance last year, Tesoro made a presentation with some suggestions on how to use the money.
Some of the suggestions during the presentation were: installing a synthetic athletic field at Indian Ledge Park, repairing the Tashua Pool, and upgrading police body cameras.
Residents were able to give their input on how to spend the money via an online survey on the city’s website, one of which was the construction of the planned Trumbull Veterans and First Responders Center.
On November 29, 2022, the Town Council and Board of Finance met to discuss possible uses of the ARPA funds.
According to that report, the cost of the first round of repairs at Tashua was initially estimated at $850,000.
But after a Trumbull Town Council meeting on Thursday, August 17, the total cost of the project was estimated to be around $2.8 million.
“We allocated $850,000 of that money to renovate the Tashua pool,” Tesoro said. “An additional $1.9 million was then approved in a bonding authorization to add to the $850,000 to be used to renovate the pool.”
Tesora said the city is now entering the bidding process to obtain a final cost estimate.
“We’re trying to get the best bid back, so we’re doing it this way,” he said. “We need to know that we have the authorized funds so we will be able to pay.”
Tesoro said the proposed renovation of Tashua would include the installation of a splash pad.
The other outdoor pool in Trumbull is the Beach Memorial Pool, which Tesoro says is expected to have its splash pad renovated with ARPA funds.
“We are not looking at building another outdoor pool, but we are looking at renovating the splash pad at the beach pool,” Tesoro said.
According to reports, the Beach Memorial’s splash pad is suffering some mechanical failure and will cost an estimated $650,000 to repair.
Another measure approved during the November 2022 meeting was to add an artificial surface to Indian Ledge Park Athletic Field, which would cost approximately $1.1 million.
According to Tesoro, the Hillcrest pool located at Hillcrest Middle School will remain closed for the foreseeable future.
“That pool was over 50 years old,” he said. “It was at the end of its useful life.”
Hillcrest Pool was officially closed in July 2021 due to structural distress and damage found in its underground mechanical room. At the time, the city reported that “the extent of the damage and the cost of repairs do not allow for an efficient or cost-effective solution to the immediate problems with Hillcrest Pool. Even a “minimal” approach would take at least a year. This would have to be carried out after the finalization of plans and the completion of contractor’s bidding and would involve a cost far in excess of what could reasonably be considered reasonable given the other significant structural issues, either of which could be exacerbated and may take the pool out of service again.
Source: www.bing.com