February 19, 2025
Treat PTSD Over the Top and Directly to the Brain? Psychedelics Delivery Company Poised for Big Success - Blue Water Ventures International (OTC:BWVI)


Cyceutical Bioscience, Inc. BWVI is a cutting-edge biotech startup that has developed a topical drug delivery system neurodirect, A system that could be used to deliver psychedelic drugs directly to the brain, avoiding the traditional “high” and side effects.

The company is currently conducting trials in Australia for the treatment of PTSD and complex regional pain syndrome. earlier this month, Psychetical announced dosing of the first group of subjects in a Phase I clinical trial of its topical ketamine formulation for PTSD.

so far so good

If successful, NeuroDirect could have applications for a wide range of neuro-related conditions, including Parkinson’s, drug addiction and traumatic brain injury.

Backed by a Shark Tank investor Kevin Harrington and led by Mike ZapolinAKA Zappy, former Wall Street VP, Chief Visionary Officer and advisor to PsyCeuticals.

Zapolin, who spoke at the April Benzinga Psychedelics Capital Conference in Miami, pointed out that the company has also received several patents for topical back-of-the-neck drug delivery. This approach can be used to deliver dozens of “neuroactive” drugs, from NSAIDs and SSRIs to antipsychotics and painkillers.

The patent for NeuroDirect is owned by a company called Def, LLC (Defending Everyone’s Freedom), founded by military veteran Sean Fleming Zapolin recently revealed to Benzinga who paid for the patent and drove its development. Fleming has licensed four patents to psychoceuticals.

Nothing like it in the medical world: how does NeuroDirect work?

NeuroDirect wants to apply drugs in the form of a patch at the base of the neck, targeting free nerve endings and then triggering nerve impulses that reach the spinal cord and brain. “They put it in a crystal structure in the patch and it emits the frequency of psilocybin as if you’ve taken a microdose of psilocybin without anything else,” Zapolin explained.

He added that topical administration may be ideal for those who fall into high-risk categories such as adolescents, the elderly or those fatigued by IV or oral administration. At the moment, nothing like this exists in the medical world, Zapolin said, adding that Psycheceutical has successfully completed its pre-investigational new drug (IND) meeting with the FDA.

Stopping the Opioid Epidemic

Although still in the early stages of development, the potential of NeuroDirect is significant. Zapolin says that if successful, it could revolutionize the way drugs are delivered and improve the lives of millions of people.

If these types of delivery methods become available, they could also play a key role in disrupting the opioid and fentanyl epidemic, which has become one of the nation’s worst health crises in history.

“A lot of these people are not drug addicts, they are people who had a pain hit, run out of pills, and then they go out on the street and buy pills containing fentanyl… and now they are addicted. are in,” Zapolin concluded.

You’ll Definitely Hear More About This Cutting-Edge Topic at the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference Everyone from industry experts, investors, CEOs to cannabis researchers and advocates, and Illinois Governor JD Pritzker, will gather in Chicago on September 27-28. All information is available at bzcannabis.com

Pharmavoice also reported on this story.

Photo courtesy of Mike Zapolin

Source: www.benzinga.com


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