February 19, 2025
People are sharing random things they’ve personally never learned, never messed with, and now I’m scared to leave my house


Recently, u/ViolatingBadgers (we don’t control these usernames!) asked the fine folks at Ask Reddit:

by vesi_127 via Getty Images

Recently, u/ViolatingBadgers (we don’t control these usernames!) asked the good people of Ask Reddit: “Do, because of experience, do you know who not to fuck with?” Here are some of the most interesting reactions…


Konstantinis via Getty Images

“Stairs. I worked in the ED at a major trauma center, and the number of healthy people paralyzed or soon to die because of falling down stairs was eye-opening.”

-u /strlab

“My ex-husband’s father fell down a ladder and basically had his skull completely blown out. He had immediate brain damage, which affected him for eight months before he passed away. But my conclusion is this – if you’re not getting paid to climb the ladder, pay someone to climb the ladder for you.”
-deleted user



“Water. Rivers. Stream. I’m quite a good swimmer, and I wanted to swim in a river where the current seemed really calm. Boy, was I wrong! A small moving stream of water threw my poor body into a The wind pulled like a leaf.”



Photos by RA Kirton via Getty Images

“Never trust a ditch or pit that is deep enough to pass over your shoulders. You will die a horrible death. Yes, even on the beach.”


“I think the rule is pretty deep – dirt or whatever is falling at a height higher than that can crush your lungs and make it impossible to breathe.”


Catherine McQueen via Getty Images

“Sleep driving. In 2015, I had an incident where I fell asleep while driving. It was mid-August, and I fell asleep on my way home from work after a 16-hour night shift. I All I remember is that I was driving, then I woke up in a hospital four hours away from home.

No clue where I was or what happened. I suffered from a major TBI and have been mentally isolated ever since. Everyone in the hospital was saying that I was lucky to have survived. There were witnesses who saw the whole wreck… My car rolled 6.5 times and its wheels went up. I was partially ejected (lying half inside the car and half outside through the window), and my seatbelt buckle was broken when the car came to a stop.”
– u/i_am_invictus


RKO Radio Pictures

“The heat. Heat stroke takes out your sanity first. You don’t even realize anything is wrong, you just know you’re angry. Then you get a weird tingling sensation in your head/chest and the world Doesn’t seem to feel right. Soon enough, you’ll be a zombie looking for anything to calm down, and soon after, you’ll pass out.

It escalated so quickly that half a dozen rational adults knew it before the exhaustion had set in. The heat will kill you faster than you think.”


Athima Tonglum via Getty Images

“Not washing and disinfecting an open wound right away.”

-u /slimpaws

“My mom knew a guy who had his leg amputated because the wound got infected. It was crazy.”


Cavan Images/Patrick Kunkel via Getty Images

“The woods are moving in the woods. Don’t probe. Don’t kick it. Don’t throw things at it. It’s always horns.”



Paramount Pictures

“Dogs, absolutely dogs. Don’t get me wrong; dogs are incredible and have a lot of love and the ability to do a lot of good. But a sick, scared, injured or mentally unstable dog can do a lot of damage.” its teeth.

I work with a lot of dogs and I once had a level 4 bite from a normally well behaved dog. She got sick, and another dog attacked one of the areas that was more tender, and the next thing you know she was grabbing the closest thing to her with those teeth, which happened to be my leg. . This perfect dog left me bite marks that would last a lifetime.

Anyway, don’t mess with dogs. Don’t mess with strange dogs. Don’t mess with sick dogs. Don’t mess with timid dogs. Don’t mess with injured dogs. If you are rescuing a dog in this way, take every precaution possible. better safe than sorry.”


Douglas Sacha via Getty Images

“Meth. Ruined my life for a while and I worked hard to get it back. 18 months clean! In fact, when you hear that meth shouldn’t be tried once, that Heed the warning.”


As an ER nurse, the answer is meth.”


Tetra Images via Getty Images

“Intuition. If something feels wrong, stop. It doesn’t matter if it’s pulling up on a snow-covered slope, pulling up to a sketchy gas station, or putting a too-small piece of wood into a table router, Listen when your brain tells you, ‘This is a bad idea.’”


“I read an article that intuition is your subconscious mind picking up signals that you are unaware of. After reading that article, I pay more attention to it.”


Peter Daisley via Getty Images

“Aggressive drivers. Just let them go.”


“When someone follows you in traffic and/or resists you for whatever (stupid) reason, don’t think you can handle it on your own and don’t wait for them to leave you alone. Call the police and Let them handle it. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t do anything to annoy them even more.”

“I don’t know if the man following me has caught his wife cheating with the gardener and is on his way to kill them both, but I don’t want to find out.”


Remus Belododia / 500px via Getty Images



“You all have Lyme disease sucks. It’s caused bilateral Bell’s palsy and my joints are screaming at me like I’m a very old man.”


Skynesher via Getty Images

“If someone at work is talking bad about someone else and he asks you what you think about that person, just keep your mouth shut.”



comedy Central

“Garage door springs – pay a professional to mess with that mess.”


“A picture happened a few years ago and my home office is over the garage… I jumped out of my chair with such a force. It was louder than a large caliber gunshot and echoed in my ears for about an hour. doing.”
-u /lavender_daedra


Guido Meath via Getty Images

“Cows. Cattle grew up on the farm. They can run faster than you think and kick you hard enough to blow your shoes off.”



Kinga Krzeminska via Getty Images

“Being careless in the shower. A few years ago, I was taking a shower and I forgot my new bottle of conditioner on the counter. In my rush to get out of the shower, I slipped on some remnants of shampoo and I hit my ribs with the shower Ceramic tub.

I was in complete disarray, but I somehow managed to get out of the shower and really thought I was going to have to call an ambulance to take my naked ass to the hospital. Thankfully, it wasn’t necessary as I lay down and was out of breath, but I had severe pain in my ribs for at least a month afterwards. After that experience, I understood exactly how falling in the shower could kill a person.”
-u /chancetime



“Friends with cauliflower ears.”


“Former high school wrestlers, or those who brag about how good they are at wrestling. They may be very old or in bad shape to look like, but as soon as you start messing with them , you stand on your back and become incapacitated. See a cauliflower ear, move away.”


Lourdes Balduk via Getty Images

“Cat bites. I love cats, but once got bitten by a cat. Spent three days in the hospital and there was talk of amputating two of my fingers and maybe half of another finger. I was given intensive IV antibiotics and I recovered, but I was downright scary for a few days.”


“Once a neighbors cat bit me and I could see my actual vein or whatever it is in your wrist. It was great to see so I stared at it for a while until the pain started Done! I went to the doctor and said I felt silly, but I wasn’t sure what to do with it. He went on to talk about how often cat bites can lead to serious infections. I Still a little scared of that cat!”


GoodLifeStudio via Getty Images

“There are policemen here and I say motorcycles. I’m not pulling them over, chasing them, or riding on them. There are a lot of bodies. Let them go and stay away from them.”



Universal Pictures/Videos

“No experience with it other than with things around the house, but I don’t bother with electricity.”


“While working on a hydroelectric dam, I saw a main power line detach from a generator and slither like a snake across the floor for about 10 seconds. It ripped and melted a deep gap in the solid concrete.”
-u /ever_mythren


Pekka King / 500px via Getty Images

“Blood pressure. If it’s high, it will prematurely age your organs without you having a clue until it’s too late. I’m not over 50, but I have kidneys that will probably last my lifetime.” Won’t be able to walk.”



KeithSutherland via Getty Images

“Canadian swans. They’ll fuck you.”


“Don’t fight the goose.”

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity. Additional thumbnail credit: Mike Roach/Zuffa LLC.

h/t to u/violatingbadgers and ask reddit for this discussion.



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