Chris Burton, measuring the permit holder’s signature, found that the blue ‘P’ notice was 6cm shorter than the required 20cm – Lewis Burton/SWNS
A driver has successfully challenged his local council over parking fines after he discovered some of its signs were 6cm too small.
Chris Burton, 42, found that many blue “P” parking notices in Bury, Greater Manchester were shorter than his requirement of 20 cm (about 8 inches).
Mr Burton used a tape measure to check the size of the signs after he was fined £60 for dropping off his father to hospital.
A county court decision ruled that the order for Mr Burton to pay his parking ticket should be quashed because he had submitted pages of evidence, including the size of signs indicating that this area was parking only. There was residents’ parking.
Mr Burton was issued a parking ticket in May after he claimed there were no parking spaces available at the hospital and so he found a space for his Volkswagen Sharan on a nearby road. However, when he returned to the car, he saw a penalty charge notice (PCN) on his windscreen.
He appealed the ticket online and said it was rejected within minutes, so he appealed again in June and said he didn’t get a response for months.
However, in September he received a letter from the council saying it was taking the case to Northampton County Court to recover costs.
Mr Burton initially complained that two residents-only parking signs in the area were either covered with bushes or overturned, but he later decided to measure the signs and present all his evidence to the court. Sent it to.
Mr Burton said: “UK law says signs must be 20cm in size, but when I checked the signs there, they were only 14cm.”
“It is ordered that the order of recovery of unpaid penalty fee be cancelled,” the judgment said.
A Bury Council spokesperson said the size issue only affected a “small number” of signs located in parking areas for residents and “not parking signs in general throughout the borough”.
Mr Burton said the case has now been taken to a tribunal, with Bury Council not yet knowing its outcome.
It is understood the PCN is still active until that judgment is published, although if the tribunal rules in Mr Burton’s favour, it will be cancelled.
parking tribunal
A council spokesperson said: “Mr Burton was issued a PCN for parking without a permit in a residents-only parking area near Fairfield Hospital.
“His initial appeal was rejected, and he was informed that he could either pay the PCN or appeal to the Independent Parking Tribunal in Manchester.
“If he appeals to the adjudicator [tribunal]We have not been informed about the result.
“As far as the size of parking signs is concerned – we believe the issue relates only to certain signs located in parking areas for residents, and not to parking signs in general throughout the borough.
“We are satisfied that the vast majority of signs in Bury are fully compliant with national regulations, and any that are not will be rectified.”
Source: uk.news.yahoo.com