February 8, 2025
Best Ways to Develop Your Conversational Intelligence


In a time when there are countless ways to exchange information, having a real conversation with another person—whether it’s a coworker, a family member, or someone you encounter socially—can be most powerful. . That’s because conversations are about much more than what is said: they also influence how we pursue the different types of relationships in our lives—and it takes conversational intelligence to do so successfully. is required. Here’s what to know.

What is conversational intelligence?

Conversational intelligence is built on the idea that in addition to being a way to exchange information with another person, conversation can affect everything from relationships, to your confidence, to your outlook on life, in both positive and negative ways. Is.

According to the late organizational anthropologist Judith E. Glaser, who coined the term, interactions determine the quality of relationships, which collectively determine the quality of the culture of a company or other type of organization.

how to develop conversational intelligence

While Glaser viewed conversational intelligence as something that humans work hard for, this does not mean that everyone is able to apply the skill to the same level. Here are some ways you can develop your conversational intelligence:

think of conversation as a ritual

We can fall into habitual patterns when it comes to interactions with others, Glaser explained, but if your normal interactions aren’t working, he suggests thinking of them as rituals: something we all do. I have the ability to learn.

choose your words carefully

Words and phrases used in conversation are rarely neutral. In fact, they can carry an emotional burden for some people. For this reason, Glaser encourages people to approach their word choice with sensitivity to help build trust with others during interactions—especially since words can also have the opposite effect.

consider the conversation

When the conversation is over, take a moment to reflect on the experience, rather than immediately turning your attention to something else. Think about what happened during the conversation — what was said, the person’s tone and body language, and auditory cues, such as periods of silence — and consider the potential impact.



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